What Vehicles Cost More or Less to Insure in Nova Scotia?

While vehicle costs are climbing, so too are car insurance premiums. Your car insurance, among other factors, is influenced by the type of vehicle you choose to insure.

Published in Car Insurance

What is a car insurance waiver of depreciation?

Buying a new car is exciting! Before fully immersing yourself in the new car experience, it’s wise to consider a depreciation waiver for your new car insurance policy.

Protect Your Vehicle: Tips for Preventing Car Theft

With some proactive measures you can significantly lower the risk of car theft. Read these tips to safeguard your vehicle, and what's inside, from nasty criminals.

Atlantic Canada’s Most Stolen Vehicles & Ways to Prevent Car Theft.

Check out the latest report on the most frequently stolen vehicles in Atlantic Canada. Plus, some simple things you can do to deter thieves and avoid car theft.

Demystifying Collision Insurance: What Factors Determine the Cost?

It's summertime and many Maritimers will hit the roads even more than normal. Your don't want to worry about your car insurance, so we delve into collision insurance and what factors impact its cost.

Top Tips for Finding the Best Car Insurance Rates

As a car owner, one of your priorities is finding the best car insurance. That's why we've put together some tips to help you navigate the process and find the best rates for your needs.

Debunking Common Car Insurance Myths.

There are several myths surrounding car insurance that can lead to misunderstandings and confusion. This blog debunks some of the most common car insurance myths to help you make informed decisions.

Will Winter Tires Save You money on Car Insurance?  

Many drivers are making plans to get winter tires on their vehicle. We often get this question: “will winter tires save me money on car insurance?”  Here’s what you need to know about winter tires.

How Do Speeding Tickets Affect Car Insurance?

We are often asked, “Do speeding tickets affect insurance?” Explore how traffic violations, including speeding tickets, can affect your car insurance.