Step-by-Step Guide: Car Accidents and Insurance Claims

Knowing how to handle the aftermath of an accident can help you avoid delays with your insurance claim. Check out our step-by-step guide to help you be well-prepared for an accident and the subsequent insurance claim.

Published in Car Insurance

Will Winter Tires Save You Money on Car Insurance?  

It's that time of year, time to get your winter tires on. We often get asked, “will winter tires save me money on car insurance?”  Read this blog to learn more.

How Your Driving Record Affects Your Car Insurance Premium?

Your driving record plays a big roles in determining what you will pay for car insurance. In this blog we explore how your driving record is calculated and what you can do to improve it.

What is The Best Way to Insure a Rental Car?

In this blog we explore whether your existing car insurance policy covers rental cars, how credit card rental insurance works, and when it's best to purchase additional rental car insurance.

What Vehicles Cost More or Less to Insure in Nova Scotia?

While vehicle costs are climbing, so too are car insurance premiums. Your car insurance, among other factors, is influenced by the type of vehicle you choose to insure.

Traffic Tickets and What it Means for Your Car Insurance.

Today, major traffic tickets and convictions can significantly impact your car insurance. Buckle up and read this blog to learn what violations have the biggest impact on car insurance rates.

What is a car insurance waiver of depreciation?

Buying a new car is exciting! Before fully immersing yourself in the new car experience, it’s wise to consider a depreciation waiver for your new car insurance policy.

Atlantic Canada’s Most Stolen Vehicles & Ways to Prevent Car Theft.

Check out the latest report on the most frequently stolen vehicles in Atlantic Canada. Plus, some simple things you can do to deter thieves and avoid car theft.

Pros and Cons of High or Low Car Insurance Deductibles

Whether you're a seasoned insurance pro or just starting out, understanding the difference between high and low deductibles can save you headaches and dollars.