Man pumping gas into car

Top Tips to Drive More Efficiently and Save on Gas.

Published in Driving Tips

These days, everyone is looking to save money. While electric cars are a hot topic, the vast majority of Nova Scotians still rely on gas to power their vehicles. The fact is, if you’re willing to make changes, you can optimize your vehicle’s fuel consumption. Let’s take a spin through our top 8 tips for driving more efficiently and ultimately saving you money at the gas pump.

Eight Ways to Improve Your Vehicle’s Gas Mileage

1. Lighten Your Load, Lighten Your Expenses

One of the simplest ways to boost fuel efficiency is by decluttering your vehicle. Carrying unnecessary items in your trunk can weigh you down, both literally and figuratively. Every pound counts; the lighter your vehicle, the less fuel it needs to move. Take a moment to clear out any unnecessary items, like those cases of bottled water rolling around in the trunk.

2. Regular Maintenance for Optimal Efficiency

Think of your vehicle as a well-oiled machine – where regular maintenance is the key to optimal performance! Ensure your tires are correctly inflated – under-inflated tires can increase fuel consumption. Stay on top of oil changes, air filter replacements, and other routine maintenance tasks. Remember, a well-maintained vehicle runs more efficiently and saves you money on gas in the long run.

3. Gentle Driving Habits for Better Mileage

Your driving habits play a crucial role in fuel consumption. Aggressive driving poses a safety risk and takes a toll on your gas mileage. Instead, focus on smooth acceleration and deceleration to avoid wasted fuel. By adopting a more relaxed driving style, you’ll reduce wear and tear on your vehicle and improve your gas mileage.

4. The Cruise Control Advantage

Cruise control isn’t just for long road trips – it’s a fantastic fuel-saving feature! On highways, maintaining a consistent speed using cruise control can lead to better fuel efficiency compared to the fluctuations caused by manual acceleration and braking. So, the next time you hit the open road, consider engaging your vehicle’s cruise control system.

5. Strategic Route Planning

We live in a world where technology is available at our fingertips. Use this to your advantage when planning your routes to minimize the distance travelled and optimize fuel efficiency. Apps and navigation tools can help you find the most efficient path, avoid congested areas, and combine errands to maximize your trips and save on gas. Carpooling is also a fantastic way to reduce individual fuel usage.

6. Turn Off to Tune In to Savings

Did you know that idling consumes fuel? Idle time is money spent without moving. Whether you’re waiting for a friend or in a drive-thru, turning off your engine during extended stops can make a significant impact. It’s a small change that adds up to big savings over time.

7. Choosing the Right Fuel for Your Vehicle

Not all fuels are created equal, and your vehicle may have specific requirements. Consult your owner’s manual to determine the recommended fuel type. Using the right fuel ensures optimal performance and prevents unnecessary expenses associated with higher-octane options. Optimize your fuel choice to match your vehicle’s needs.

8. Effective Heating and Air Conditioning Use

Warm it up! Cold engines not only burn more fuel but also release more exhaust than their warmer counterparts. Instead of idling to heat up your engine, consider using a block heater to alleviate stress on your vehicle and cut down on gas consumption. On the other hand, air conditioning can spike a vehicle’s fuel usage by up to 20%. Opt for open windows when driving in the city, and employ the flow-through ventilation system with the windows up on the highway. If you must use air conditioning, choose the re-circulate option to minimize its impact.

Our Bauld Insurance team is committed to helping you make informed decisions that positively impact your life. By incorporating these eight tips into your driving routine, you’ll save money and contribute to a greener, more sustainable Nova Scotia. Drive smart, save smart, and enjoy the journey!

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